Sex crazed cops arrest dildo sales clerk.
Now these crazed cops have raided a lingerie store, Something Sexy, for selling “obscene” devices for self-pleasuring. In other words a dildo. One would not think the people of Lubbock or Texas, for that matter, would not be the least bit horrified by dildos. They keep electing them to office. Hell, Texas gave America the the Dildo in Chief.
And here is what is worse. The poor woman who was working as the clerk at the store was not only arrested but faces trial. In addition if she is found guilty of selling a vibrator or dildo she would be forced to register as a sex offender. At some point people will realize these “sex offender” laws have been so expanded in scope and power as to be worthless. Here is a woman who could be listed as sex offender for selling a dildo. In Arizona the crazed Andrew Thomas in Phoenix tried to force a teenage to register as a sex offender for showing a Playboy to some of his schoolmates. In Utah they worked to force two underaged kids to register as sex offenders because they had consenting sex with one another. They were accused of molesting each other. This is happening over and over. People are worried about rapists and such and instead the power-hungry Theopublicans are given them dildo sales clerks.
And that undermines the alleged purposes of such registries. As more and more people realize that being on the list might mean nothing more than selling a dildo they will stop taking the lists seriously. Of course the politicians continue to make life worse for these people by passing more and more laws restricting their freedoms after they have served their time.
This dildo sales clerk could be forbidden from working in certain professions. She can be forbidden to live in large sections of the country. For instance she could be forbidden to live within a mile or so of a school, a park, and other places frequented by children. I know of one case of a man who can’t sleep in his own home. He must leave his family every day and drive well out into the countryside to a separate apartment because he’s a sex offender. When he was 18 he had relations with his girlfriend, who was a couple of weeks under 18. She said it was consenting. No matter to the law he is now a register sex offender and his “victim” is his wife.
Now let’s look at what this woman did. Apparently she used the wrong words. If you call a dildo something other than a dildo you can sell it. If you call it a “safe sex demonstration device” you are within the law. Only if you mention that it might be used for pleasure are you a criminal. Texas Theocrats look down on the idea of pleasure. That is why the give the rest of us so much misery.
Shop owner Gary Evans feels horrible about what happened to his employee. He asked the police officer to arrest him instead and allow the clerk to go. The police refused. I guess they prefer ruining this poor woman’s life instead.The Theocratic Republic of Texas is certifiably insane and the head loonies in loonyland live in Lubbock. You will remember Lubbock, it was the town where the local sheriff spent his time staring at the crotches of male dancers to make sure they didn’t do pelvic thrusts.
Now these crazed cops have raided a lingerie store for selling “obscene” devices for self-pleasuring. In other words a dildo. One would not think the people of Lubbock or Texas, for that matter, would not be the least bit horrified by dildos. They keep electing them to office. Hell, Texas gave America the the Dildo in Chief.
And here is what is worse. The poor woman who was working as the clerk at the store was not only arrested but faces trial. In addition if she is found guilty of selling a vibrator or dildo she would be forced to register as a sex offender. At some point people will realize these “sex offender” laws have been so expanded in scope and power as to be worthless. Here is a woman who could be listed as sex offender for selling a dildo. In Arizona the crazed Andrew Thomas in Phoenix tried to force a teenage to register as a sex offender for showing a Playboy to some of his schoolmates. In Utah they worked to force two underaged kids to register as sex offenders because they had consenting sex with one another. They were accused of molesting each other. This is happening over and over. People are worried about rapists and such and instead the power-hungry Theopublicans are given them dildo sales clerks.
And that undermines the alleged purposes of such registries. As more and more people realize that being on the list might mean nothing more than selling a dildo they will stop taking the lists seriously. Of course the politicians continue to make life worse for these people by passing more and more laws restricting their freedoms after they have served their time.
This dildo sales clerk could be forbidden from working in certain professions. She can be forbidden to live in large sections of the country. For instance she could be forbidden to live within a mile or so of a school, a park, and other places frequented by children. I know of one case of a man who can’t sleep in his own home. He must leave his family every day and drive well out into the countryside to a separate apartment because he’s a sex offender. When he was 18 he had relations with his girlfriend, who was a couple of weeks under 18. She said it was consenting. No matter to the law he is now a register sex offender and his “victim” is his wife.
Now let’s look at what this woman did. Apparently she used the wrong words. If you call a dildo something other than a dildo you can sell it. If you call it a “safe sex demonstration device” you are within the law. Only if you mention that it might be used for pleasure are you a criminal. Texas Theocrats look down on the idea of pleasure. That is why the give the rest of us so much misery.
Shop owner Gary Evans feels horrible about what happened to his employee. He asked the police officer to arrest him instead and allow the clerk to go. The police refused. I guess they prefer ruining this poor woman’s life instead.
One could only guess what the loons in Lubbock would think of this Ikea commercial. No doubt they would advocate arresting all of Sweden.
Labels: big government, Texas
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